I can’t remember how many times I heard somebody tell me “Waste not want not” when I was growing up. At home it was my mom. At school it was a teacher. In most cases, I was probably putting too much of a sandwich in the garbage because I really do not like the crust of the bread.
The “waste not want not” principle was drilled into my mom at a young age too. Even in her later years, she would talk about being a young girl in a world where rationing food was the norm. It’s a principle that’s still relevant today, though.
Hobbies can be a great way to put the “waste not want not” principle into action. If you have a hobby that involves crafts, creativity, cooking or clothes, there is something in this blog for you.
I am not a creative person at all and am intrigued by what people can create using items that might otherwise end up in the landfill. I’m in absolute awe that someone can turn jars into accessories for the home. The link here is for turning jars into bathroom accessories. “Wow” is the word that comes to mind when I view this video.

I’m a pushover when it comes to butterflies. There are a lot of videos online for using aluminum cans to make butterflies. Here is a link to one of the videos I found.

Are you looking for ways to use up the tissue paper that’s left over after using some for gift bags? Watch this video.

The list of crafts that can be done using tissue paper is endless.
Many people would hesitate to invite guests to a meal by saying it’s leftovers that will be served. If you receive an invitation to a meal involving leftovers, you may wonder if you’re thought of as a second class citizen. In the case of this turkey and dressing casserole, your guests – as long as they like turkey and dressing – will be singing praises to you for your cooking. It’s delicious.

Turkey & Dressing Casserole

If you hate the thought of throwing out your favorite pair of jeans, look for ways to preserve them. When I did an online search for ways to repurpose denim, I found everything from reupholstered furniture to mats. Here is a link to a video for making a denim purse.

Waste not want not when it comes to money
I can’t very well do a “waste not want not” blog without talking about money. If money isn’t being invested in something that will appreciate in value, then when the money is gone, it’s gone. A budget can help you prioritize your spending so that you aren’t wasting money on things that will leave you with buyer’s regret later.
You can go to our website to view how-to videos for using our budgeting web app. From the homepage of our website, you can also book a virtual meeting to get a walkthrough of the web app and get your questions answered. Each situation is different. A virtual meeting is a great way to learn how you can use our budgeting web app specific to your situation. http://moneymeasuresinc.com
In conclusion
There are many things that can serve a dual purpose – even the crust of the bread. If you have kids that are like me that don’t like the crust of the bread, remove the crust and bag it to use in baked goods.
Have some fun putting the “waste not want not” principal into action. Learn something new. Accessorize. Add color. Make a tasty – yet nutritious – meal.
You may even be able to make some money by turning your hobby into a business.